Sunday, November 14, 2010

Udghosh - Find invisible users on gmail

Last update on Udghosh:11th April 2016.
Its been now long years, seems like Google updated the login method and google does not allow this app to login. If you still want to try to find invisible users of google talk you can check this method. If you are unable to do it in that method, then you will have to drop the idea and sleep well!!! Google is now pretty highly secured.

Google has changed even the chat program and now its called Hangout, and one day google talk will be completely phased out. Hangout does not allow "invisible mode", it allows making only away. Hangout in mobile stays as away. So the concept of invisible is gone and people can only stay online, away and offline. Thanks for visiting the site.

Latest software to find invisible users: Udghosh
Thank you for all the guys who has patiently waited for much awaited invisible finder. Sorry for delaying, i was quite busy with my personal work,so i started to work on this very lately. From past one week i was testing this, but if you find any bugs please report, whenever i get time i will fix it. Email has been send to all the users who has requested for email notification for this new release.
The people who has shared their emailids for notification; their emailid has been removed from the account, hence no contacts or emails would arrive to you from Vimanas [vyompvblog] here on.

Name of the program has been changed from "Atiguhyam" [means very secret] to "Udghosh". "Udghosh"  means to announce or proclaim. The name has been changed as the logic of its working has changed and its not anymore a secret.

Google Patch would come very soon
I believe this would also be patched very soon may be even faster than the previous one. So this program might run only for, might be in days, weeks :). To patch it, takes only seconds for Google.
And i believe this might be the last way to find it and i don't see any other way in future to the find invisible users and in fact i am quite busy with the my own personal schedules. So in short use this program and fulfill your mind of finding invisible buddies and do not search again if its not working :).
Well this blog would be running with technical things and others even later but blog will not be updated regularly it would be in abrupt manner.

The Notion
To remind you, on 8th October 2010 "Atiguhyam" invisible part of the program was patched by Google.
On Fri Oct 15, 01:54:00 PM IST i got a comment from a guy.

Anonymous said... 

 there is a simple way to discover invisible buddies that resists. Try to open a groupchat with an invisible buddy. In Pidgin it's straightforward: rightclick on the buddy you think invisible and then click on Start chat. It'll open a groupchat. If you can see the buddy in the partecipants then the buddy is invisible. Obviously it's not stealth.

He did left a code name at the bottom of the comment which i have not pasted here, so that i can identify his comment again or him. I have deleted the comment from this site after i read so that i can think to start coding on it. May be if the comment was not deleted; by the time i finish coding the program might get patched and my effort would be wasted :).

I checked in Google nobody has still now told this method nor i feel this guy has put it anywhere. So "Udghosh" will do it all what has written in the comment.

From his comment we can understand that to do the things in Pidgin [open source chat client] is quite easy [only installation might run tough]. So in short there are two ways to do it use "Udghosh" or Pidgin. Well Udghosh was specifically made for this so it has its own advantages.
The explanation on how to do it in Pidgin can be found here.

Working of Udghosh
1)It connects to Google talk
2)Goes in invisible mode
3)Joins a chat room.[in Gmail its called group chat or conference][Offline/invisible buddy chat invitation cannot be done in gmail/orkut]
4)Invite offline/invisible specific buddy for chat in that room .
A point to note is that this method is not a secret way to do; it almost works like "Chat off the record method[which got patched long back]" but the difference in that and this; here no message is send to your buddy, he/she would see only an alert of group chat window at his/her side.
 Alert chat window at invisible buddy end
The name "...... has joined and ........ has left" is the name given [or in buddy's contact list] to you by your buddy. I am not able to avoid/change that name through coding.Well joining and leaving room happens within 1-2 seconds.
5) This program then count the number of people in it. It should return a count "2" [you and your buddy] if your buddy is invisible else it will return "1". When the buddy joins the room it even sends the presence notification of available only to that room or to you.
6)It then finds from where your buddy is online [possibly gmail/orkut{since he/she is in invisible}]. This code returns the first poll from where the buddy has received the invitation. In short this code will show only the location of first poll; it will not show both [orkut/gmail] together.
7)If its in scanning of all offline users then it will invite your next buddy in a new chat room and process will go on.

Features of Udghosh
1) It has been incorporated with all the other modules of "Atiguhyam" namely blocking users. Name of the Unavailable users module has been changed to Available users. A new module has been made for invisible finding. It has all the feature of Atiguhyam.
2)Guarantees to find invisible user and also to find their resource[from where they are using Google chat].
3)Loops till your buddy comes online/invisible.

5)Abuse using this program to annoy somebody with group chat window has been taken care.
6)Auto scanning of all your offline users or any specific buddy/buddies. 

Look and Function

All the modules of Atiguhyam has been incorporated hence please check here to find all the function of Atiguhyam.

The new tab of  Udghosh.
Snapshot of Udghosh
1.Login to find invisible users/buddies in your google talk account.
2.Check to scan all invisible users in Google talk.
3.Check for looping, it works only when emailids have been entered doesn't work with scanning of all users. Uncheck at anytime to stop looping.
4.Enter one or more emaild of your buddy whose invisible status you want to check. Separate each email id with comma ",". For eg:,
5.Check this to see all the invitation process.

You need to check the option of scanning all users; it has been made in order to avoid by mistake scanning of all your buddy as a group chat window will appear for all.
The scanning auto stops when any one of your buddy[that buddy emailid's which you provided in the emailid's textbox] is detected.
While looping the moment user logs in Gmail/Orkut/Google talk it will get detected.

How to run 
The invisible users in gmail orkut can be found easily in any of the operating system namely Windows [all version], Mac OS X[apple pc's], Linux versions [Redhat, Ubuntu, etc], Solaris. As its developed in java it can be run easily.
Please go here to find more details on this.

Frequently Asked questions

1. Is this another bug in Google talk?
A: Its not a bug in Google talk. Its based on XMPP protocol. From any chat client you should be able to do it.

2. You [developer] will come to know my username and password?
A. Please use a java decompiler and then check my code or the program which you run if you doubt the program. May be you don't know Java to check my code, in that case go and download wireshark and then you can see all the site which your computer is visiting.Run my code and see which site my code is visiting. Please don't use this program if you can't do both and still have doubt. In simple words; i am not storing your username or password nor i know it.
If you have low trust in the program, another way is to use Pidgin and find invisible users manually by clicking each user one by one which i have explained here.

3.Why should i use Udghosh when i can do the same with Pidgin?
A: Udghosh has more features and by default Pidgin has no invisible state [you need to add plugin that also makes you available for some time after logging in].
Udghosh is a small program of small size [1.14MB] developed only for finding invisible users/blocking users. Pidgin is a complete chat client [26+MB].
If you have low trust in this program and wants to find invisible users, please use Pidgin and find it.

4.Will Google patch this?
A: Google will take only seconds to patch this. Though it is with the protocol and not a bug in Google talk, its a wish and will of Google about the future of Udghosh.

5. Like Atiguhyam will it show when the blocking user come online?
A: No. It will only show the user who uses Google talk / Gmail /Orkut /any other chat client and this guarantees you to show his resource [from where he has logged in]. Well in other way its a complete invisible finder, nobody escapes. With blocking user you will not be able to chat or invite nor will he be able to do.

6. I want to use Proxy server?
A: Use proxy server at the LAN connection of your system or in modem then all your programs, browser will work via proxy server. The proxy settings are in different place in different operating systems. As such this program doesn't support a direct proxy server as its prone to network error. But will work via proxy server when kept in the system LAN/modem.

7. I got an email  id like this "", how to find the buddy name?
A: This id indicates that this buddy is from your orkut and he/she has registered in orkut using an emailid other than gmailid. You can use "Blocking Users" of this program to find the user name. If such a buddy hasn't blocked you then only you will be able to get his profile name else the software will not be able to show his identity/profile name, and you may find difficult to understand who the buddy is.

8. Is there any way that i can avoid my name while invitation?
A: This is the final method to find invisible users and you don't have any other way nor any way to avoid your name in the group chat window.

9.Can you show the source code?
A: You may use a java decompiler and then you can read all the source and understand it. I have written above the logic of its working.

10.Why don't you hack yahoo messenger invisible, facebook offline etc and show users?

A: I am not a serial cracker or hacker to do it. Nor i am an experienced coder. Its all about perseverance.

Please do comment in the blog and let me know how you used it, i wish to hear from you. Thank you :).

And the last Part:
Udghosh program. Click on any of the below link:
Hope you have read both my pages of Atiguhyam and this page completely.
The file size is 1.14 MB.
Last update on Udghosh:14th Nov 2010.

Last update on Udghosh:11th April 2016.
Its been now long years, seems like Google updated the login method and google does not allow this app to login. If you still want to try to find invisible users of google talk you can check this method. If you are unable to do it in that method, then you will have to drop the idea and sleep well!!! Google is now pretty highly secured.
Google has changed even the chat program and now its called Hangout, and one day google talk will be completely phased out. Hangout does not allow "invisible mode", it allows making only away. Hangout in mobile is always in away. So the concept of invisible is gone and people can only stay online, away and offline.

Still the app can be download from Google Drive

Thank you for visiting the site and using the program.

Pidgin - Find invisible users on gmail

This is the second way by which you can find invisible buddies on Gmail / Orkut / any other chat client.  The notion behind this working is same as of Udghosh. You can read it here.
Anyway use and fulfill your mind of finding invisible user before Google patch it.

How to install Pidgin

Pidgin Supports Voice/Video chat that which is available only in Gmail. Presently works only in Linux. But i have not used or tried.

In Windows:
Go to this site and choose Windows OS and download the offline installer [26.8 MB]. The normal installation is around 9.1MB but after that you may have to again download GTK+ for proper working of it hence offline installer has been choosen.
For me installation went smooth. If you encounter any problem please read FAQ in Pidgin and if not solved ask in the forum in Pidgin.

In Linux:
Go to this site and choose your linux flavour. If its RHEL /Cent OS /Fedora you need to do through yum command, they have explained it there how to do it. But still you will find the trouble of dependency which might take your mood. Anyway you can read what has been written in this blog and try.
For Ubuntu it should run easily.
For all other flavours you need to compile from source.
Lower version of any linux flavour is not going to work as its depended on latest GTK+.
For me installation was smooth in Ubuntu but in RHEL faced some problems, but was installed after solving dependency. If you encounter any problem please read FAQ in Pidgin and if not solved ask in the forum in Pidgin.

In Mac OS X:
Go to this site and choose yours. You might find it tough to do as you need to install Fink. I dropped the idea of trying this.  If you encounter any problem please read FAQ in Pidgin and if not solved ask in the forum in Pidgin.

In Solaris:
Go to this site of Solaris local packages and try to install it. I have not tried. Pidgin doesn't directly give a package for the same but you can compile using their source. You may ask in the forum of pidgin to do the same if you encounter any trouble.

How to configure Pidgin for google talk:
1. Click on Accounts-Manage Accounts.
2. In that new Window click on Add.
3. Choose Protocol as Google talk and fill your username. Add the domain as "". Resource as "Pidgin". Look the screenshot below.
Add account in Pidgin
 4. Click on Advanced. and check it should have the fields like this.
Pidgin Advanced
In the connect server it should be, for the latest version of Pidgin you don't have to type, leave the field empty it auto detects.
5. Save and then click on Accounts-Enable accounts-#choose your account #.
6. A pop up should come for password. Type the password and wait for sometime.
7. It will login and show you all the buddy list. You will be logged in as "Available" state that's online status. You can use a plugin to change that to "invisible" after logging in from here. There its well explained how to use that plugin. I have tried in Windows, it works but you login as "Available" and then you have to change it to invisible. So you will be atleast for a few seconds be seen as "Available".

Find invisible user using Pidgin
1. By default Pidgin doesn't show offline/invisible users. Go to Buddies-Show-#select Offline Buddies#
2. Right click the buddy whose invisible/offline status you want to check. From the context menu click on for . Check the below image. By clicking initiate chat you actually invite the buddy for group chat.
Click on Initiate Chat from the context menu
3. A new window will pop up. If the buddy is invisible then you will find the buddy in the group chat room. Check the image below.
You and your invisible buddy you will find in the room. If he is offline you alone will be in the room.
Your buddy will find an alert window at his/her end in Gmail/Orkut/ Chat client. If you immediately close the window you will be leaving the room. Check below the image.

Pros and Cons of using Pidgin [compared with Udghosh]
1. For Pidgin you need to download [26.8 MB] and for Udghosh its just 1.14MB [usually java will be present in all the system by default].
2. Pidgin has to be installed in your system only for this process, no installation for Udghosh [only pre-installed java]
3. Pidgin completely a manual process at present no scanner nor auto scanning.
4. Pidgin shows you online for a few seconds even if you use the invisible plugin. Udghosh makes you completely invisible.
5. Pidgin has no way to detect when a offline user comes in invisible mode.
6. Pidgin doesn't show from where the user is invisible [Gmail/Orkut], Udghosh shows it.
7. Pidgin different operating system support is not well packaged for Linux/Mac/Solaris. Java support is there everywhere, hence Udghosh runs everywhere easily.
8. In Pidgin if you found the user invisible you can continue chatting from there itself. Udghosh you need to go to Gmail to chat.
9. In Pidgin you don't have to type any email id of the person you need to select the buddy and initiate chat. In Udghosh  for selective user you need to manually type it , but it supports many emailid's together. For complete scan in Udghosh you don't have to type.

For more information on Udghosh  click here.

Thank you for visiting. Please put your comment how you made use of it.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A tribute to Atiguhyam [invisible finding part]

Latest Update: 14th November 2010
If you are visiting first time please visit this link to get the latest release:
About the old release:
This software showed one of the best part in google talk which every other part of the world wanted to know. Alas!! on 8th October 2010 this software did not work again to show you the invisible buddies.The idea of finding invisible part was exposed 2-3 years back by federico.zanco and Srijith in C++ and Perl coding respectively. But Atiguhyam coded in Java made the usage very simple and its basic function was released on June 26th 2010 and updated on 14th August 2010. Atiguhyam was highly successful that you can see, the Google woke up and patched that idea. Google talk now doesn't send the presence of invisible users or it sends presence only of available persons; so this idea is now never going to work. Google team said to be having one of the best Developers and Testers in the world did not care to fix it when it was exposed years back. The growth of Atiguhyam made them to fix it. Or i can say that Atiguhyam opened their eyes, since it was in Java it could be used easily and can be run in any system. Yeap its another true thing that this was the first software of the developer who developed it and that too he is a very small kid [not in age] in coding, only the idea ignited and effort was put thus it was developed. And as a profession he is not a developer as of now. "So the gigantic google talk team patched Atiguhyam". Soon they may try to patch the second part of Atiguhyam [finding blocking users], its still working you can use it.

For the people who wanted to find Invisible users
Atiguhyam was the last possible idea by which you can find invisible users of google talk. So as of now there is no way to find invisible users in google talk, so you can stop searching in google/yahoo for that. If you just want to know whether your buddy is avoiding you then you can send an email with [which will tell you whether a person has opened an email or not also datetime, location]. Either send an email with your own email id with attractive subject or with some other emailid with a good subject. [it has got many other features].  Yeap there is no way to find whether buddy is avoiding you only in chatting.
Do have trust in your relationship, do not have close friends[lovers/beloved] whom you cannot trust. The population of the world is huge  [6,873,900,000; out of which 1/4th kids, 1/4th old; still 2/4th population is there for friendship] so if you loose one friend still you can grow your mind and make more friends. God hasn't died so still he will make more good behaving and beautiful looking people. So stop your search and grow your mind.

For the Google team who patched it
Have you ever thought why many people in the world wanted to know who are in invisible? Lets forget the part of the people who wants to tease others or want to try something different. Invisible mode is a very good feature. If you look from one angle when people go in invisible they just wanted to avoid talking to other people [either don't have time or wanted to chat with only selective people]. If you look that part of the people who were really making using of Atiguhyam was the people who just wanted to know whether a particular buddy were avoiding or not and why they don't reply their email etc or whether their buddy is living or not or whether their buddy using that emailid; to know these things are very important for the person's life and for his growth. So to keep the things in proper order google talk should some how tell the affected party whether their buddy is using google talk or not. One best way i thought and got was to just show a time at which the buddy was last seen in google talk [let that status be shown 5-10 min after the person logs out]this would help both the parties and also people will not try to search for a invisible finder program for google talk. Also then google talk will help to maintain a relationship and grow the mind.
Hope you soon at least make this feature, since you are making the other part of the people in tense and pressure when you patched this code :).

Thank you for using those people who used the software. Sorry for those people who couldn't use invisible part of Atiguhyam; blocking users part is still working you can use that. Well this blog technical will be still running. Thanks for visiting :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to install VLC in Redhat 5.4

I will soon add the ocnetent later.

Use Rpmforge to install

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Atiguhyam - Find invisible / blocking users on googletalk

Latest Update: 14th November 2010
If you are visiting first time please visit these links:
If you have come here to find new release make sure you read completely of this link:
If you want to know history of finding invisible user from this site, visit these:
link1 link2 link3 link4

Atiguhyam [sanskrit word] is the name i gave to the software which find invisible and blocking buddies on google talk. Atiguhyam means "very secret".

If you are visiting this site for first time or have forgotten the "Read carefully instructions", please visit this link before reading further. Its very important to read the instructions given there. It speaks how the invisible searching of the user is done and also the important instruction for the output it produces. I am not going repeat the things here.

The invisible part of this software has stopped working from 8th October 2010. Google talk has changed its presence notification in a different way.Click here. Finding blocking users is still working in this software, use it before the google do a patch for that too.

I like to thank Srijith from whose blog [find invisible users using perl scrpit] i got inspiration to start my work on this.

This software has got two parts : Finding invisible buddies and Finding buddies who has blocked you. No explanation has been given on this page about invisible part.

About blocking buddies search:

This part of the software was built after getting inspiration from the blog of Rakshit Khare. He has very well illustrated how we can find whether a buddy/user on google talk has blocked you or not. I am not going to copy the same here or explain here. Please visit his blog to find the logic how its done.

Atiguhyam software coding is in java and have used the package smack to do the same. It uses the smack vCard to check the profile name of each user/buddy and then tries to get their profile name. If the Atiguhyam don't get their profile name, then it displays as blocked. Chance of getting a network error is very high. So manytimes/sometimes you will find the users who are not blocked you as blocked. To confirm about that particular user/buddy use the single email id option to check. Even in this there is a chance of getting network error and might become wrong. Please do it 4-5 times in a good internet connection and then only confirm about the user blocking status. Please increase the number of attempt if the person is important for you or if you have patience.

I do understand that it can become very emotional if someone has blocked you from chatting. It all depends on how much that person is important for you. May be father/mother has blocked you or the son/daughter has blocked you, your lover/beloved has blocked you or colleague or friends or any relation or any business partner or someone whom i have not mentioned. But still i believe once own mind is responsible for emotion or his own downfall. People don't have control on his own mind and people expect to control others and others feeling. Alas! the person fall in his own mind trap. I do understand the emotion that a person may undergo after seeing the result.

Reasons why somebody would have blocked you
1. By unknowingly your buddy would have done.
2. May be he/she wanted to avoid so that he/she can experiment something and he forgot to make it right.
3. Even he/she might be waiting for you to come online.
4. Possibly because of your behaviour he/she have blocked you, and now it would have become far that you can correct.
5. He/She may not have understood you.
6. May be he/she would have blocked all the people in his/her chat.
7. He/She wants to stay alone.
8. He/She want more privacy from you as you don't have control on your own mouth or for any other reason.
There could be many other reasons why someone would have blocked you. But even if people have blocked you, there will be always people in the world to chat with you [if not anyone i am there] and you always have place in the world to live. Grow your mind see the world beyond you see now. See the other billions of billions of male/female whom you can contact and chat. Put an effort rather than becoming emotional.

Features of Atiguhyam

Unavailable/invisible buddy finding part:
1. Find invisible buddies/users on google talk.
2. You can do a loop or run it for ever to know when a user/buddy comes online/invisible.
3. Also you may get the place from where your buddy has logged in [gmail/orkut/googletalk/anyother].
4. Looping result is also saved in a file.

Blocking buddies finding part:

5. Find blocking buddies/users on google talk.
6. Scan all your buddies/users on google talk to find their blocking status or check only one user/buddy.
7. Know the status of buddies who has blocked you. [when they login google account you can know]
8. Know the status of buddies whom you have blocked. [when they login google account you can know]

9. Get your buddy's profile name [the name that your buddy has written in his profile]

10. You can use all the above mentioned features even with googleapps [google talk].

Known Bugs/Issues
I will not be able to solve these bugs in the near future.
1. Network error is highly possible while finding a user who has blocked you. You need to try 4-5 times or more with your buddy's email-id to check his blocking status.If you ever in any of your try get his/her profile name then its sure that he has not blocked you.
2. Due to network error sometime/manytimes the profile name doesn't get matched with the email id.

Looks and functions of each item

1.Finding invisible part:

1.Here you can change the domain to any google apps domain which uses googletalk.
2.You can check this box to run the invisible repeatedly after 20 seconds. It stops only when you uncheck during any loop. While in loop all the available/unavailable lists with time of running are stored in a file, which will be created in the same directory where this program resides. When the text file grows more than 900KB a new file is created, so please keep this program in the special/separate directory while running in loop.The file name created will be in this format "Gtalk-date-month-hour-min.txt".
3.Login to find invisible/unavailable buddies in your google talk account.Hope you have read "Read Carefully" instructions over here.

2.Finding Blocking users part:

4.Login to find blocking users/buddies in your google talk account.
5.If you want to scan all the users of google talk and find their blocking status leave this field empty. If you want to find the blocking status of a particular emailid of your buddy, enter in this field the emailid correctly. Please do recheck of all the people who has blocked you by using this. Network error is highly possible.
6.Check this to see the profile name of all your buddy. Sometimes/manytimes due to network error the profile name may not match with the emailid. Uncheck to stop showing the profilename and to see the count.
7.If you want to report a bug other than mentioned click on the image and know the place where you can post the bugs which are not mentioned here. Please make sure that you mention the bug correctly so that it can replicated.

Important instructions:
While using Atiguhyam please make sure that you have a very good high speed network. Also make sure that google talk is working in your system.
The search for blocking users/buddy is highly affected by network. Even though you have a good network, internally while transferring data a network can happen and show your buddy in blocking state. To make sure that your buddy has blocked you, use the individual email-id option and first try a user who has not blocked you, check if his/her state is coming properly and then try your buddy's status 4-5 times [keep interval of 2-3 minute in each try] or more; in anyone of the try your blocked buddy's profile name should not be shown, even if its shown once that means he hasn't blocked you and its because of network error.
A special case :
You may find while scanning for blocking users an email id like this "". This id indicates that this buddy is from your orkut and he/she has registered in orkut using an emailid other than gmailid. If such a buddy hasn't blocked you then only you will be able to get his profile name else the software will not be able to show his identity/profile name, and you may find difficult to understand who the buddy is.

How to run and other instructions:
This article was written keeping in mind that you have already read my first article on finding invisible users. If not or for all the other instructions please visit my first article over here.

Important FAQ:
1. You [developer] will come to know my username and password?
A. All the chat client don't show the unavailable user i just changed only that part of the code and i am showing it. [What if those gtalk client started showing the same then obviously there wont be meaning in the invisible user and may be google will change protocol of chat] Please use a java decompiler and then check my code or the program which you run if you doubt the program. May be you don't know Java to check my code, in that case go and download wireshark and then you can see all the site which your computer is visiting.Run my code and see which site my code is visiting. Please don't use this program if you can't do both and still have doubt. In simple words; i am not storing your username or password nor i know it.

2.  Can somebody find me in unavailable state if i use Atiguhyam program ?
A. You will be always always always be seen [unavailable][for a few seconds] [if you use this program or any other];all the below possibilities have the same answer "you will be seen as unavailable"
1)It doesnt matter whether you are logged in gmail/orkut or any other.
2)It doesnt matter whether you are logged into google talk or not.[read the gtalk bug i wrote here "Read Carefully"]
3)Even it doesn't matter whether you have blocked the user or not.
If you use your gmailid anywhere in the world in any website or program you will see that user as Unavailable in this software.

3.  Is this illegal?
A. Nope.This code shows only what other chat client doesn't show nor they wanted to show. All the chat client don't show the unavailable user i just changed only that part of the code and i am showing it. [What if those gtalk client started showing the same then obviously there wont be meaning in the invisible user and may be google will change protocol of chat].

4. Will my account be disabled if i loop this program for days together?
A. My answer is still no. As you are not going to change your ip in each login, as you are not giving wrong password again and again, as you will not be trying to login from a different location in the same account. But still to be in the safer side, please visit this site and be ready with all the details to fill there and also you may click contact us on this site and write there. This is only precaution, if in anyway you loose your account then you can do the same. Yeap i tested with my main account for 24 hours and still nothing has happened to the account, no problem was there and when i tried i kept 10 seconds delay which is even less than what is programmed in Atiguhyam. I have found other person who did the same for 24 hours. I don't see any reason why the account will be blocked or disabled. A loop means that you are going on and off the account continuously, i haven't seen anywhere they made that restriction on that. If you still doubt make a dummy account and try to run this loop program for ever [more than 7 days]and do let me know if any bug arises or if it get blocked.

5. How can i contact you personally?
A. Why you want to contact me? I am not an excellent coder or a programmer. But still if you want to contact me personally remove the .blogspot and others on the right side from the web-address and then send it across I don't want spamming in my mail id that's the reason i mentioned my mail id indirectly. I will be replying the comments here if you have put any, so i will encourage you for that. If you didn't get my reply on time, then please understand that i didn't get access on internet for those days.

Please do comment in the blog and let me know how you used it, i wish to hear from you. Thank you :).

And the last Part:
Atiguhyam program. Click on any of the below link:
Hope you have read both my pages of invisible and Atiguhyam page completely.
The file size is 1MB.
Last update on Atiguhyam:15th Aug 2010.

Thank you for downloading and visiting this site :).